Our Mission: Our Vision

Our mission is to EDUCATE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER our children and their families to a healthier lifestyle.

Our vision is to inform children and their families, in their homes about HOPE (Healthy Options and encourage Personal Empowerment) so that together we make significant strides toward preventing and fighting childhood obesity.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Success!

Thank you ALL for attending FOH's first annual SOS 5k walk! The walk was a major success...everybody participated and we left nobody behind. Childhood obesity is a huge problem in America and we at FOH are determined to do something about it!
Thank you:
Dwight C. Jones, Mayor, City of Richmond
Dr. Karen Remley, Virginia's Health Commissioner
Cynthia I. Newbille, Councilwoman, Richmond City Council East End 7th District
Jennifer McClellan, Virginia House of Delegates, 71st District
Radio 1 and Clovia "Miss Community" Lawrence
Dr. Eric Freeman, MD, Pediatrician HCA Virginia
The Faces of HOPE Trainers
and all of our vendors!!
More Photos at the Bottom of the Page!


Jeannette said...

This was one of the best walks I ever attended. The day was perfect! I am looking forward to next year.


Stacey FireFly said...
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Stacey FireFly said...

The RVA Hoop Lovers of the RVA Hoop House, had a BLAST at your event!!! RVA Hoop House hopes to hoop and play with your organization again very, very soon!! The RVA Hoop Lovers LOVE Faces of H.O.P.E!!! ~Stacey FireFly~