Our Mission: Our Vision

Our mission is to EDUCATE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER our children and their families to a healthier lifestyle.

Our vision is to inform children and their families, in their homes about HOPE (Healthy Options and encourage Personal Empowerment) so that together we make significant strides toward preventing and fighting childhood obesity.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

RL All I can say is BRING IT ON!

Catch me if you can


Jennifer Hasty said...

This is Rita's mom. Our dietician came out last week and it was really encouraging to hear that she is making good food choices and the choice I make to bring good food in the house is the right thing. I had said on the kick off night, that I felt that she eats good, just need to get moving!

Speaking of which, Rita has gotten more active on her own by bike riding and playing outside with her friends after school. And she is now involved in an afterschool program. Fitting in exercise has to be a priorty for us! We'll make it work, though. ;)

Anonymous said...

Great job Rita. You go girl taking ownership of your journey.

Jennifer Hasty said...

Mom (me) tried the Mac and Cheese recipe from Soul Foods that Jeannette suggested.

I made a variation of the recipe. There were things I didn't have - I substituted Light Ranch Dressing for the mustard, and soy sauce for the Worcestershire (which would've been better) and I think I did put a little pepper in it (didn't need any). I really liked it, but RL said it wasn't "cheesy" enough. I think if you used 2% Sharp Cheddar, it may add the "cheesiness". But it was yummy!

OH! I also found a brand of elbow noodles called Ronzoni Smart Taste. I compared the Wheat Elbow noodles to this and found that this had more protein and Fiber in it that our dietitian is encouraging us to eat. I give it **** stars (Needed more cheese) :)