Our Mission: Our Vision

Our mission is to EDUCATE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER our children and their families to a healthier lifestyle.

Our vision is to inform children and their families, in their homes about HOPE (Healthy Options and encourage Personal Empowerment) so that together we make significant strides toward preventing and fighting childhood obesity.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Teehee's Join Jeannette at a Seminar

The Teehee's were my honored guests at an obesity seminar with the Richmond Pediatric Society. 
Jeannette an Dr. Tracy Wright

Fitness 101 Belly Dance

Faces of HOPE, Fitness 101
Jennifer (instructor) Melissa, Nadia, Ashley, Hope, & Maci learn to belly dance.

Melissa says, "This was a lot of fun!"
Ashley (11) says, "This was great, let's do it again!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

MW has started her journey to live a healthy, happy life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chief Executive Jeramin Jogging in Africa

Jeramin never missing an opportunity to get a workout in!

Starting Her Early

Sean's daughter (Faces of HOPE trainer) enjoys her apple.

Kick off

AG and her mom looks at healthy recipes

AE My little life is over


RL All I can say is BRING IT ON!

Catch me if you can

AH Ready to Rock

Oh my goodness what did I get myself into

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Faces of HOPE kick off

Fitness Trainer Sean introduces himself and share with them
his background.

Fitness Trainer Rose Marie and Dietitian Cindy talks with one of the participants mother.

Consuelo (HOPE's Board member) encourages the group

LF I will do this!!

LF Ok now I know I have work to do, so move back and let me show you, I will do this!

AG Watch me work

This is AG journey keep her motivated.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HOPE at CBS 6 Healthy lifestyle Expo

CBS 6 Healthy lifestyle Expo

Dorothy Shaver RD, LD/N Kroger Dietitian. As you all know we are Kroger Kids.

While at the Expo Jeannette Cordor, CEO of Faces of HOPE tried this machine.
Ok, I feel the burn... how many more. Ok now that;s it for me WOW! what a work out.

Faces of HOPE trainer Stephanie Dauley takes the six pack challenge.
Oh, YEAHHHHH, I broke a sweat, but out lasted our CEO.
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Faces of HOPE joins AHA Day of Dance

Jeannette Cordor, CEO of Faces of HOPE
and daughter Ashley joins Maria Beall, Mrs. Chesterfield International, in preventing cardiovascular disease at the American Heart Association Day of Dance.

Faces of HOPE helps celerbrate DEON Inc.

Lynette Ruffin- Goode is the Founder & President of DEON
Obesity and
Her recognition Banquet was wonderful. And Faces of HOPE was honored to be apart of it's launch into greatness. To find out more about Mrs. Ruffin- Goode email her at deonintervention@aol.com

Junior trainers take a trip to Washington

Jerti Cordor 12
Ashley Walters 11
Jermini Cordor 8
One week before the inauguration take a trip to Washington DC

Faces of HOPE and Ms Commmunity Coliva

African American Women's Health Forum 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008Downtown Marriott

One in eight woman are likely to develop invavisive breast cancer, unfortunately in African American women it grows faster and they have a greater risk of dying from it.
A health forum sponsored by the American Cancer Society not only raised awareness but also helped debunk myths about breast cancer in the African American community.

What an AMAZING Day for women. Jeannette Cordor