Our Mission: Our Vision

Our mission is to EDUCATE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER our children and their families to a healthier lifestyle.

Our vision is to inform children and their families, in their homes about HOPE (Healthy Options and encourage Personal Empowerment) so that together we make significant strides toward preventing and fighting childhood obesity.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Our health Our lives

The Faces of Hope starts pilot program to fight childhood obesity

The Faces of Hope is starting a pilot program the first of January with five children and their families in the Richmond and surrounding area. Our program is a comprehensive in-home fitness, nutrition, and prevention program for children ages 6-18. It is our mission to guide children and their families toward a healthier lifestyle by encapsulating physical fitness and nutrition education in the home. Our innovative approach of working with the family in modifying personal eating and lifestyle habits, directly in the home of each child, is a critical component of personalization and positive influence. We want to educate, equip and empower our young children toward a healthier lifestyle. Follow the progress of our pilot program on our web site http://www.thefacesofhope.org/ or give us a call to learn more! (804-218-5575)

The Faces of Hope is a Virginia non-profit organization whose vision is to educate children and their families about healthy options and encourage personal empowerment such that together we make significant strides toward preventing and fighting childhood obesity.
Statistics show that one in three children is overweight and one in six is obese. The medical and psychological implications of this excess weight are disheartening. Children today are faced with an increase in type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, orthopedic problems, sleep apnea, asthma, and unfortunately the list will continue. Excess weight can also create emotional and social problems as overweight children tend to have fewer friends, lower self esteem and are at increasing risk of depression. This generation’s life span is predicted to be shorter than their parents and it is a vicious cycle as our children’s children will be faced with these same problems.


Tilwona said...

Many parents don’t think about cholesterol when it comes to their children. I was one of those parents that didn’t take high cholesterol seriously until AJ’s doctor explained to me the risk of high cholesterol. Dr. Wright explained that high levels of cholesterol are known to be a major factor in contributing to heart disease. I was in shock when she told me his LDL (low- density lipoprotein) was 140 and total cholesterol was 197. AJ’s weight gain was another issue in addition to his high cholesterol level. He had gained a total of 16 pounds within one year of his annual checkup. Dr. Wright was very concerned about his weight gain and wanted me to be aware of childhood obesity and how it causes Juvenile Diabetes. This was my wakeup call because I did not want to be the reason my son may not possibly live a long and healthy life. I was disappointed in myself because I was a big contributor to his weight gain. I allowed AJ to eat whatever he wanted. There were times when he ate two cheeseburgers from Mc Donald’s and I didn’t stop him. I knew I had to make a change in both of our lives mentally and physically before it was too late. Dr. Wright had recently received an email from Faces of Hope and she recommended that I contact Jeanette to see if a slot was still available for AJ. Luckily, Jeanette had a space available and AJ started the program January 7, 2008. This was one of the best decisions that I had made in AJ’s life. Faces of Hope provided AJ with an in- home personal Trainer, personal Dietician and nutritional workshops. All of the aspects of this program were very beneficial. AJ and I have learned so much about nutrition and the workshops encouraged us to eat more fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. We are very cautious about what we eat and our portion in-take. We have applied everything that we’ve learned from this program to our everyday lives and as a result AJ has lost a total of 10 pounds and I’ve lost 15 pounds. Exercising was a major factor of AJ’s weight loss. I’m glad Melanie Brown was chosen to be AJ’s trainer. I couldn’t have asked for a better person. She was great and AJ looked forward to Melanie training him every week. AJ did not want the program to end. I had to really explain that it was only a 12-week program and that his time was up in order for the next child to reap the benefits of Faces of Hope. I would recommend this program to anyone that is suffering from childhood obesity. This program will enhance your knowledge of living a healthy life style.

Thanks, Tilwona & AJ

Sharonda Shepard said...

From one who grew up eating any and everything I wanted but didn't need, I started my journey with Faces of Hope reluctly as a Doubting Thomas. My son is 12 years old and overweight. Since he was born we would always say, he is just a big guy and oh isn't that cute or he will just grow out of it but never doing anything to actively help him to change how he ate. A friend talked me into being apart of the Faces of Hope program and our lives have been changed considerably. We went through the program starting in January 2008 and learned about food choices, exercise, nutrition and even healthy recipes (my personal favorite). We were taught what food does to us and how we don't have to eat what we were accustomed to eating in order to feel like we had eaten a good meal. We learned that we don't have to live to eat but just eating to live. Eating is not a hobby or something to do when there is nothing else to do or the solutions to emotional difficulties. Eating healthy is something that we now choose to do rather than having pressure about being forced to do it. The Hope personnel were so supportive and cared about my family with such passion as to not let us give up. Our personal trainer, Stephanie, was positive and encouraging to my son and helped him to think good of himself while working on what he refers to as "His Six Pack". Consequently, my son met his goals and our entire family's eating habits have changed for the better. Now when we go out for a meal, it is not just to "consume groceries" and feel miserable but we slow down and make wise decisions and enjoy food that is good for us and to us. Even I, "Doubting Thomas", have lost 8 pounds and exercise regularly, who would believe it. I recently went to a Strong Roots Conference sponsored by Medical Home Plus. I attended a session called My Life, My Health, My Choice presented by Janette Cordor of Faces of Hope. She was down to earth and further encouraged me to love myself enough to continue choosing life for myself and my family. She was outstanding. This entire experience has given me a new outlook on life and I am so grateful. Who knows how many more years have been added to my and my children's lives just because we have "HOPE".

Thank you, Sincerely, Sharonda